[Rd] Installing a Tcl/Tk Extension on OSX

Adrian Waddell adrian at waddell.ch
Wed Sep 1 18:16:03 CEST 2010

Dear R-Community,

I need the Img tk extension for my R package. It all works on my Ubuntu
machine (libtk-img). However I experience a great deal of trouble when I
try to install the package on OSX 10.5 or 10.6 (in fact I'm not able to
do it).

As I understand it, the ActiveTcl with it's teacup package manager do
not have an effect on the the x11 tcl installation which R accesses.
MacPorts however has the libtk-img package not listed and compiling it
from the source (with configure, make all, make install) does not do the
job either for me (adding the compiled package folder to auto_path).

Now, as I would like some R users to once use my R package (once it's on
CRAN), installing the Img tk extension should to be a fairly easy task
on OSX .

Can anybody tell me how I best tackle this problem in a way, such that
OSX R users (and myself) in future can easily install the Img tk package?


Adrian Waddell

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