[Rd] Suggestion: Add DESCRIPTION/NEWS files to the Rtools compilations

Henrik Bengtsson hb at stat.berkeley.edu
Thu May 20 17:04:00 CEST 2010


I'd like to suggest that DESCRIPTION and/or NEWS files, or other
information revealing the version, would be added to the different
Rtools compilations (http://www.murdoch-sutherland.com/Rtools/).
Currently it's not easy to figure out which version is installed.

Another suggestion is to have Rtools install in different
subdirectories depending on version, much like how R is installed into
different directories, e.g. C:/Rtools-2.10/ and C:/Rtools-2.11dev/.
That would make it easier to setup one tool chain for R release and
one for R devel.

BTW, is there a reason (e.g. spaces in paths) for not installing
Rtools in %ProgramFiles%/R/, where R is installed?  Is it safe to have
it there?

Thanks for putting Rtools together


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