[Rd] difficulties with setMethod("[" and ...

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Tue May 18 10:22:03 CEST 2010

>>>>> Tony Plate <tplate at acm.org>
>>>>>     on Mon, 17 May 2010 20:51:12 -0600 writes:

    > Jim, yes, I have dealt with that particular challenge that list(...) 
    > throws an error for a call like f(x,,,) where the empty args match to a 
    > ... formal argument.   Here's some fragments of code that I used to cope 
    > with this:

    > # to find the empty anon args, must work with the unevaluated dot args
    > dot.args.uneval <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$...
    > if (length(dot.args.uneval))
    > missing.dot.args <- sapply(dot.args.uneval, function(arg) 
    > is.symbol(arg) && as.character(arg)=="")
    > else
    > missing.dot.args <- logical(0)
    > ...
    > # Now we can work with evaluated dot args.
    > # Can't do dot.args <- list(...) because that will
    > # stop with an error for missing args.
    > dot.args <- mapply(dot.args.uneval, missing.dot.args, 
    > FUN=function(arg, m) if (!m) eval(arg) else NULL)

I don't have much time at the moment, to delve into Jim's code,
nor to analyze what exactly Tony's does.

Some notes however which I deem important:

1) My experiece in writing many S4 methods for "["  -- with the
   Matrix package, but also for 'Rmpfr' -- is that you 
   really need to work  with  nargs()
   rather than with things like  length(list(...))

2) If you really want to be compatible to the very rich
   semantics of S and R subsetting, you need to spend more time
   than you anticipate.

   - negative subscripts, names, logicals
   - A[i]  for an array A   where i can be a vector and then the
     array is treated as if it had no dim() attribute
   - A[i]  for an array A   where i is a *matrix* with k columns
     	   where  k <- length(dim(A))  --- (k = 2 for matrices)
   - A[]

  Are you sure you would not try to use
    setClass('myExample', contains = "array", representation = ...)
  rather than your
    setClass('myExample', representation(x = "array", ...))
  You would get all the "[" (and other array methods) for free,
  and would only need to specify those methods where 'myExample'
  really differed from array-subsetting.

3) Lots of well-tested    setMethod("[", ....)  examples
   are in the sources of the Matrix package.

   There, BTW, I found it useful to use

  ## for 'i' in x[i] or A[i,] : (numeric = {double, integer})
  setClassUnion("index", members =  c("numeric", "logical", "character"))

 and then, e.g.,  a simple example method ..

  setMethod("[", signature(x = "denseMatrix", i = "index", j = "missing",
			   drop = "logical"),
	    function (x, i, j, ..., drop) {
		if((na <- nargs()) == 3)
		    r <- as(x, "matrix")[i, drop=drop]
		else if(na == 4)
		    r <- as(x, "matrix")[i, , drop=drop]
		else stop("invalid nargs()= ",na)
		if(is.null(dim(r))) r else as(r, geClass(x))
  The examples in the "Rmpfr" package are much less and simpler.

  To find the methods, for both, use  
      fgrep 'setMethod("["' R/*R
  if you are on a decent OS and in side the package source directory.
Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

    > Let me know if you need any further explanation.

    > Several warnings:
    > * I was using this code with S3 generics and methods.
    > * There are quite possibly better ways of detecting empty unevaluated 
    > arguments than 'is.symbol(arg) && as.character(arg)==""'.
    > * You'll probably want to be careful that the eval() in the last line is 
    > using the appropriate environment for your application.

    > I didn't read your code in detail, so apologies if the above is 
    > off-the-point, but your verbal description of the problem and the coding 
    > style and comments in the "[" method for "myExample" triggered my memory.

    > -- Tony Plate

    > On 05/17/2010 07:48 PM, James Bullard wrote:
    >> Apologies if I am not understanding something about how things are being
    >> handled when using S4 methods, but I have been unable to find an answer to
    >> my problem for some time now.
    >> Briefly, I am associating the generic '[' with a class which I wrote
    >> (here: myExample). The underlying back-end allows me to read contiguous
    >> slabs, e.g., 1:10, but not c(1, 10). I want to shield the user from this
    >> infelicity, so I grab the slab and then subset in memory. The main problem
    >> is with datasets with dim(.)>  2. In this case, the '...' argument doesn't
    >> seem to be in a reasonable state. When it is indeed missing then it
    >> properly reports that fact, however, when it is not missing it reports
    >> that it is not missing, but then the call to: list(...) throws an argument
    >> is missing exception.
    >> I cannot imagine that this has not occurred before, so I am expecting
    >> someone might be able to point me to some example code. I have attached
    >> some code demonstrating my general problem ((A) and (B) below) as well as
    >> the outline of the sub-selection code. I have to say that coding this has
    >> proven non-trivial and any thoughts on cleaning up the mess are welcome.
    >> As always, thanks for the help.
    >> Jim
    >> require(methods)
    >> setClass('myExample', representation = representation(x = "array"))
    >> myExample<- function(dims = c(1,2)) {
    >> a<- array(rnorm(prod(dims)))
    >> dim(a)<- dims
    >> obj<- new("myExample")
    >> obj at x<- a
    >> return(obj)
    >> }
    >> setMethod("dim", "myExample", function(x) return(dim(x at x)))
    >> functionThatCanOnlyGrabContiguous<- function(x, m, kall) {
    >> kall$x<- x at x
    >> for (i in 1:nrow(m)) {
    >> kall[[i+2]]<- seq.int(m[i,1], m[i,2])
    >> }
    >> print(as.list(kall))
    >> return(eval(kall))
    >> }
    >> setMethod("[", "myExample", function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) {
    >> if (missing(...)){
    >> print("Missing!")
    >> }
    >> e<- list(...)
    >> m<- matrix(nrow = length(dim(x)), ncol = 2)
    >> if (missing(i))
    >> m[1,]<- c(1, dim(x)[1])
    >> else
    >> m[1,]<- range(i)
    >> if (length(dim(x))>  1) {
    >> if (missing(j))
    >> m[2,]<- c(1, dim(x)[2])
    >> else
    >> m[2,]<- range(j)
    >> k<- 3
    >> while (k<= nrow(m)) {
    >> if (k-2<= length(e))
    >> m[k,]<- range(e[[k-2]])
    >> else
    >> m[k,]<- c(1, dim(x)[k])
    >> k<- k + 1
    >> }
    >> }
    >> kall<- match.call()
    >> d<- functionThatCanOnlyGrabContiguous(x, m, kall)
    >> kall$x<- d
    >> if (! missing(i)) {
    >> kall[[3]]<- i - min(i) + 1
    >> }
    >> if (! missing(j)) {
    >> kall[[4]]<- j - min(j) + 1
    >> } else {
    >> if (length(dim(x))>  1)
    >> kall[[4]]<- seq.int(1, dim(x)[2])
    >> }
    >> ## XXX: Have to handle remaining dimensions, but since I can't
    >> ## really get a clean '...' it is on hold.
    >> eval(kall)
    >> })
    >> ## ############### 1-D
    >> m<- myExample(10)
    >> m at x[c(1,5)] == m[c(1, 5)]
    >> ## ############### 2-D
    >> m<- myExample(c(10, 10))
    >> m at x[c(1,5), c(1,5)] == m[c(1,5), c(1,5)]
    >> m at x[c(5, 2),] == m[c(5,2),]
    >> ## ############### 3-D
    >> m<- myExample(c(1,3,4))
    >> ## (A) doesn't work
    >> m at x[1,1:2,] == m[1,1:2,]
    >> ## (B) nor does this for different reasons.
    >> m[1,,1]
    >> m at x[1,,1]
    >>> sessionInfo()
    >> R version 2.11.0 (2010-04-22)
    >> x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
    >> locale:
    >> [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
    >> [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
    >> [5] LC_MONETARY=C              LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8
    >> [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C
    >> [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C
    >> attached base packages:
    >> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
    >> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
    >> [1] tools_2.11.0
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