[Rd] Sweave Feature Requests and Questions

Charlotte Maia maiagx at gmail.com
Sun May 9 01:35:35 CEST 2010

Hi everyone,

I would like to request the following features for Sweave:
1. The keep.source option, to respect empty lines in input.
2. The prefix.string option, to apply to all generated files, e.g. no
3. That Sweave, doesn't change the graphics settings for the entire
Latex Document. By default including a pdf image, should use it's
actual size, rather than making it a fixed proportion of the text
4. A new option to allow generation of Serror chunks, where the R code
generates an error or a warning.

Furthermore, any help appreciated here:
1. Does anyone know how to build Sweave documents, using Make, without
starting a new instance (or multiple instances) of R, every time Make
is called?
2. Does anyone know a simple workaround to problem 3, without killing
the entire Sweave.sty file?

Furthermore, I'm temped to stop Sweave from generating all the eps
files (I saw an option for this in the Sweave documentation), however
I'm concerned it may stop others from building the document, if they
use postscript.

Then again, do enough people use postscript, to warrant such consideration?

kind regards
Charlotte Maia

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