[Rd] R 2.11.0 on RHEL5

Chuck White chuckwhite8 at charter.net
Wed May 5 16:54:22 CEST 2010

Thanks again for your note.  I am now compiling using:

--with-readline=yes --enable-R-shlib=yes --with-x=yes --with-blas="-llibptf77blas -lpthread -llibatlas" --prefix=/usr/local/R-2.11.0

The above configuration is creating libRlapack.so as well. Do you specify --with-lapack as well? If so, what do you set that to? Section A.3.2 states -- "Please do bear in mind that using --with-lapack is `definitely not recommended': it is provided only because it is necessary on some platforms."


---- Uwe Ligges <ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de> wrote: 
> Why do you want shlib support, do you really need it?
> For the static case, A.3.1.1 ATLAS described the way to go.
> I have never before linked dynamically to ATLAS versions. ATL_dgemm is 
> probably defined in one of the other libraries. I have not looked since 
> I currently do not have any ATLAS left on my machines which I was more 
> used to roughly 3 years ago.
> Uwe Ligges

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