[Rd] warning from install.packages()

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Tue Jun 1 14:40:10 CEST 2010

> On 25/05/10 23:25 PM, "Ben Bolker" <bolker <at> ufl.edu> wrote:
>   Just curious: is there a particular reason why install.packages()
> gives a warning in normal use when 'lib' is not specified (e.g. argument
> 'lib' is missing: using '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library' )?  


>From install.packages in utils/R/packages2.R:

      if(missing(lib) || is.null(lib)) {
        lib <- .libPaths()[1L]
        if(length(.libPaths()) > 1L)
            warning(gettextf("argument 'lib' is missing: using '%s'", lib),
                    immediate. = TRUE, domain = NA)

  If I were patching this I would simply comment out this whole test
(rather than making a message() à la Jari Oksanen) -- it seems to
make the most sense to execute the documented behavior silently ...

  I will submit this as a wishlist item shortly if no-one complains.

   Ben Bolker

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