[Rd] how to define method for "+" function in a new class

james.foadi at diamond.ac.uk james.foadi at diamond.ac.uk
Wed Jul 7 17:16:50 CEST 2010

I don't know why a "3D" appears instead of a "(".
Please, interpret a "( whenever you see a "3D".


Dr James Foadi PhD
Membrane Protein Laboratory (MPL)
Diamond Light Source Ltd
Diamond House
Harewell Science and Innovation Campus
Chilton, Didcot
Oxfordshire OX11 0DE

Email    :  james.foadi at diamond.ac.uk
Alt Email:  j.foadi at imperial.ac.uk

-----Original Message-----
From: r-devel-bounces at r-project.org on behalf of james.foadi at diamond.ac.uk
Sent: Wed 07/07/2010 16:09
To: r-devel at r-project.org
Subject: [Rd] how to define method for "+" function in a new class

Dear R developers,
I have a new class, which I called "Molecule", and have tried to define =
a "+" operation for 2 objects of this class.
This is what I have written so far, although the method is not complete =
(I'm trying to look at it at intermediate stages):

                      # Check both objects are correct

                      # Extract chains information
                      ch1 <- getMoleculeChains(x)
                      ch2 <- getMoleculeChains(y)
                      union_ch <- unique(c(ch1,ch2))
                      not_used <- .ALPHABET
                      for (i in seq(along =3D union_ch))
                       idx <- which(not_used !=3D union_ch[i])
                       if (length(idx) !=3D 0) not_used <- not_used[idx]


The definition of class Molecule is included earlier in the same file. =
When I source it, I get the following error message:

Error in match.call(fun, fcall) :=20
  unused argument(s) (x =3D "Molecule", y =3D "Molecule")

I can't see what's wrong in my method definition. Can anyone help me =
with this?


Dr James Foadi PhD
Membrane Protein Laboratory (MPL)
Diamond Light Source Ltd
Diamond House
Harewell Science and Innovation Campus
Chilton, Didcot
Oxfordshire OX11 0DE

Email    :  james.foadi at diamond.ac.uk
Alt Email:  j.foadi at imperial.ac.uk

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