[Rd] Residual DF of NLS models (PR#14194)
han at enfor.dk
han at enfor.dk
Tue Jan 26 11:05:13 CET 2010
Full_Name: Henrik Aalborg Nielsen
Version: 2.10
OS: Linux (SLES 10 / openSUSE 11.1)
Submission from: (NULL) (
There seems to be a bug in df.residual.nls which is triggered when nls is called
with argument na.action = na.exclude; in that case 'resid(object)' will contain
NA-values which should be disregarded when counting the number of residuals:
df.residual.nls <- function(object, ...) {
w <- object$weights
n <- if(!is.null(w)) sum(w != 0) else length(resid(object))
n - length(coef(object))
The bug cause the F-test of anova.nls to be wrong.
Replace 'length(resid(object))' with 'sum(!is.na(resid(object)))' ?
... and thank you for producing this fantastic software!
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