[Rd] function curve() (PR#14191)
Tony Plate
tplate at acm.org
Thu Jan 21 19:58:35 CET 2010
You may have figured this out already, but you can get a "call" object
from parse() by extracting its first element, as in
mycurveC <-
xloc <- parse(text=x)[[1]]
mycurveC("(x-4) ** 2")
This doesn't address the confusion you note, but it is an easy way of
getting your code to work without needing any functions to be redefined.
-- Tony Plate
georgi.boshnakov at manchester.ac.uk wrote:
> Full_Name: Georgi Boshnakov
> Version: 2.10.1pat
> OS: Windows XP
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> When calling programmatically function curve() from package:graphics I
> experienced some trouble since it reports
> stop("'expr' must be a function or an expression containing 'x'")
> even if expr is "expression". Naturally, the user message uses "expression" in
> its usual generic meaning but it is somewhat confusing that an object of type
> "expression" is rejected.
> The message is produced in the following piece in the source of function
> curve()
> else {
> if (!(is.call(sexpr) && match("x", all.vars(sexpr), nomatch = 0L)))
> stop("'expr' must be a function or an expression containing 'x'")
> expr <- sexpr
> if (is.null(ylab))
> ylab <- deparse(sexpr)
> }
> The "if" statement only checks with is.call, and not with is.expression.
> Maybe it is worth including the check with is.expression, e.g. as in
> else {
> if (!((is.call(sexpr) || is.expression(sexpr)) &&
> match("x", all.vars(sexpr), nomatch = 0L)
> ))
> stop("'expr' must be a function or an expression containing 'x'")
> expr <- sexpr
> if (is.null(ylab))
> ylab <- deparse(sexpr)
> }
> Example:
> # use curve()
> mycurveA <-
> function(x,from=1,to=10){
> xloc <- parse(text=x)
> # call("mycurve0",expr=xloc,from=from,to=to)
> do.call("curve",list(expr=xloc,from=from,to=to))
> }
> # use curve modified as suggested above.
> mycurveB <-
> function(x,from=1,to=10){
> xloc <- parse(text=x)
> # call("mycurve0",expr=xloc,from=from,to=to)
> do.call("mycurve0",list(expr=xloc,from=from,to=to))
> }
>> mycurveA("x^2")
> Error in curve(expr = expression(x^2), from = 1, to = 10) :
> 'expr' must be a function or an expression containing 'x'
>> mycurveB("x^2")
> # (no error, plots the graph)
> Best regards,
> Georgi Boshnakov
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