[Rd] seq.int broken (seq as well) (PR#14169)

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed Jan 13 09:37:03 CET 2010

2010/1/11 Jens Oehlschlägel <oehl_list at gmx.de>:
> Petr,
> This can have severe consequences like accessing beyond the limits of an array. If C-code is involved, this can crash R. In the worst case algorithms can silently do wrong. Being an admirer of R since its early days, I was shocked to see this, and as a consequence, I suggest we do our homework and suspend -- for a year or two -- any claims that R can be used productive such as SAS.

 Invalid Argument Error

 What does SAS do in these cases? How do you know? How do you know if
your SAS code isn't silently doing wrong? How do you know what caused
your SAS session to crash? How do you know what algorithms SAS uses
deep down inside?

 R gives you the source code, you can find these things out. The great
irony here is that SAS have "THE POWER TO KNOW" as a registered

 Perhaps The R Foundation should trademark "THE POWER TO LEARN"?


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