[Rd] PROTECT and OCaml GC.

Guillaume Yziquel guillaume.yziquel at citycable.ch
Sat Jan 9 02:04:11 CET 2010

Guillaume Yziquel a écrit :
> Simon Urbanek a écrit :
>> If you have suggestions for extending the API, feel free to post them 
>> with exact explanations how in general that extensions could be useful 
>> (general is the key word here - I think so far it was rather to hack 
>> around your way of implementing it). [And FWIW tryEval *is* part of 
>> the API].
> Concerning tryEval, I had a look at context.c, and it says:
>> /*
>>   R_tryEval is in Rinternals.h (so public), but not in the API.
>>  */

And concerning tryEval, there's one feature I miss: there is error 
handling capabilities, but to my knowledge, it provides a boolean status 
back. True or false. Is it possible to get a full error message back, so 
that it can be analysed and translated to OCaml exceptions?

> Now, here's a feature I'd like to implement with the API:
> In OCaml, there's a library called Lwt. It's a library implementing 
> lightweight, or green, threads.
> What I want to do is to be able to launch some R code, and have it 
> multithread with other OCaml code, within one single real thread. 
> Therefore I have to implement the commutation context somewhere in the 
> evaluation mechanism of R itself.
> The API doesn't support that, I guess.

      Guillaume Yziquel

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