[Rd] the source code and tool-chain for R64-win64 uploaded

Gong Yu armgong at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 6 02:48:26 CET 2010

I uploaded the whole R 64 for win64 using MINGW64, include the source code, bin and tool-chain.

the source code and bin can download at:

(attention: the source code may be contain error,you are welcome report bugs to me)

the tool-chain can download at:

(attention: the gcc included in the tool-chain is a native  gcc 4.5.0 for win64(20091231),
 I download from  http://www.equation.com/servlet/equation.cmd?fa=fortran  
 and I think it's free and GPLed,so we can use it,and if you have any question about gcc ,pls write a mail to the webmaster of equation.com )

best wishs.

Gong Yu

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