[Rd] R-devel Digest, Vol 83, Issue 2

Laurent Gautier lgautier at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 22:08:26 CET 2010

On 1/2/10 8:28 PM, Simon Urbanek wrote:
> On Jan 2, 2010, at 12:17 PM, Laurent Gautier wrote:
>> On 1/2/10 5:56 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>>> On 02/01/2010 11:36 AM, Laurent Gautier wrote:
>>>> [Disclaimer: what is below reflects my understanding from
>>>> reading the R source, others will correct where deemed
>>>> necessary]
>>>> On 1/2/10 12:00 PM, r-devel-request at r-project.org wrote:

>>> Another possibility is to maintain your own list or environment
>>> of objects, and just protect/preserve the list as a whole.
>> Interesting idea, this would let one perform his/her own
>> bookkeeping on the list/environment. How is R garbage collection
>> checking contained objects ? (I am thinking performances here, and
>> may be cyclic references).
> You don't really want to care because the GC is global for all
> objects (and cycles are supported by the GC in R) - so whether you
> keep it yourself or Preserve/Release is practically irrelevant (the
> protection stack is handled separately).

I guess that I'll have to know in order to understand that I don't 
really want to care. ;-)
The garbage collector must somehow know if an object is available for 
collection (and will have to check whether an object is PROTECTed or 
not, or Preserved or not).
I suppose that upon being called the garbage collector will first look 
into the PROTECTed and Preserved objects, mark them as unavailble for 
collection, then recursively mark objects contained in them.

> As for keeping your own list -- if you really care about performance
> that much (to be honest in vast majority of cases it doesn't matter)
> you have to be careful how you implement it. Technically the fastest
> way is preallocated generic vector but it really depends on how you
> deal with the access so you can easily perform worse than
> Preserve/Release if you're not careful.

Releasing being of linear complexity, having few thousands of Preserved 
objects not being anticipated as an extraordinary situation, and 
Preserve/Release cycles being quite frequent, I start minding a bit 
about the performance. Keeping my own list would let me experiment with 
various strategies (and eventually offer

> As a side note - the best way (IMHO) to deal with all those issues is
> to use external pointers because a) you get very efficient C
> finalizers b) you can directly (and very efficiently) tie lifespan of
> other objects to the same SEXP and c) as guardians they can nicely
> track other objects that hold them.

Thanks. I am not certain to follow everything. Are you suggesting that 
rather than Preserve-ing/Release-ing a list/environment that would act 
as a guardian for several objects, one should use an external pointer 
(to an arbitrary C pointer) ? In that case, how does one indicate that 
an external pointer acts as a container ?

Or are you suggesting that rather than Preserve-in/Release-ing R objects 
one should use an external pointer acting as a proxy for a SEXP 
(argument "prot" in R_MakeExternalPtr(void *p, SEXP tag, SEXP prot) ) ?
(but in that case the external pointer will itself have to go through 
Preserve/Release cycles...)



> Cheers, Simon
>> L.
>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>>> HTH,
>>>> L.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Romain
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