[Rd] How x[, 'colname1'] is implemented?

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Sat Jan 2 11:41:03 CET 2010

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 9:40 PM, Peng Yu <pengyu.ut at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not complaining that it is not documented.

 Yes but you didn't answer my question. When you ask a question on
these (or any mailing lists) you should always say what efforts you've
made to answer the question. I first looked in the help for '[' but
didn't find anything there. If you had already done that and told us
then I wouldn't have wasted my time. If you'd gone on to say you'd
also looked in the source code, and in which files, then I wouldn't
have wasted my time looking in those files. Note that this is all for
your benefit as well because we'll be able to help you quicker!

>>  As Obi-wan Kenobi may have said in Star Wars: "Use the source, Luke!":

> Could you explain what ns and nx represent?

 No, you need to take Obi-wan's advice (or Seth Falcon's, who got to
this before me) and 'Use the source'. I would hope that since you have
an understanding of what a hashing algorithm is that you should also
have some understanding of programming, and even if not in C it's not
too hard to figure out.

 You could make the effort to look in subscript.c and work it out for yourself.

 If you are very interested in the low-level working of R then you
should compile R with debugging turned on, then run R in a debugger
and set a breakpoint in the array subscript function. Then you can
inspect the C variables when you run it.


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