[Rd] Does anyone use Sweave (RweaveLatex) option "expand=FALSE"?

Terry Therneau therneau at mayo.edu
Fri Aug 20 18:14:39 CEST 2010

  I use noweb for my R source code on the more complex projects (see the
coxme package).  I currently have my own "noweb.R" functions to do the
work, but the overlap is so great with Sweave that I have hopes that
they will one day merge.  

A note on <<abc>> recursion: for documentation this is very well
designed; it's better than a macro or a function would be.  And of
course, documentation of code is what the system was designed for.

And a general query: I currently have the .Rnw source files in the
inst/noweb directory.  Do people have a better suggestion?  Remember
these .Rnw files are the source of my .R files and of document
explaining the code, not the source of vignettes or manual pages.

Terry Therneau

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