[Rd] R v2.10.0: Doc clarification for cross references and where are we heading?

hadley wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 05:54:42 CEST 2009

> You want the filename to be an alias because links sometimes go to aliases
> and sometimes to filenames; you want the name to match because that's what
> is displayed at the top of the page, so people might remember "just go to
> the Foo man page".

It would be really good to emphasise this somewhere.  I didn't that
this was best practice.

It would be nice to have a base R function that converts a function
name to a filename - then there would be a convention for how to do
so, and perhaps some of the filename <-> function name mismatches
would be resolved.  A heuristic along the following lines might work:

  - replace . with -
  - modify the following special strings:
    * +,-,/,* to add, subtract, divide, multiply
    * [ to subset, [[ to subset2
    * $ to dollar
    * $<- dollar-assign
    * [<- subset-assign, [[ subset2-assign



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