[Rd] what should NCOL(NULL) return?

Tony Plate tplate at acm.org
Thu Oct 29 16:14:59 CET 2009

Hiroyuki Kawakatsu wrote:
> Hi,
> I get (using r50188)
>> nrow(NULL)
> [1] 0
>> ncol(NULL)
> [1] 1
> The last seems 'wrong' to me, though matrix(NA, 0, 1) appears to be
> well defined.
Seems consistent with the documentation, which says:


|nrow| and |ncol| return the number of rows or columns present in |x|. 
|NCOL| and |NROW| do the same treating a vector as 1-column matrix.

Based on ?NCOL alone, I guess one might be able to quibble about how 
NULL should be treated, as the docs do describe the argument as "x a 
vector, array or data frame."  However, it's pretty common for functions 
that work with vectors and arrays to treat NULL the same as numeric(0).

-- Tony Plate

>> blackhole = matrix(NA, 0, 1)
>> blackhole[,1] = 5
>> blackhole
>      [,1]
> h.

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