[Rd] :Re: PROTECT and OCaml GC.

Guillaume Yziquel guillaume.yziquel at citycable.ch
Mon Nov 30 18:30:30 CET 2009

Laurent Gautier a écrit :
> Anonymous R objects, that is without an associated symbol in R, can be 
> passed to functions (and in that way makes a binding "take hold of R 
> objects without using symbols").
> For example, building R code made of anonymous objects can be achieved 
> by making a LANGSXP object and tweaking it.
> Example in R itself:
>  > x <- call("round", 2.3)
>  > eval(x)
> [1] 2
>  > x[[1]] <- function(x) x^2
>  > eval(x)
> [1] 5.29
> Getting more complex constructs may need a little more trickery.
> ...or do you mean something else ?
> L.

You're saying "anonymous R objects can be passed to functions". My 
question is:

can you construct a LANGSXP in C/Python/rpy from R objects and an 
anonymous R closure, the closure being available from C as a SEXP 
closure. Can you write a function

	SEXP my_langsxp (SEXP closure, SEXP arglist);

with only the API?

      Guillaume Yziquel

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