[Rd] Codoc mismatches

Hadley Wickham hadley at rice.edu
Tue Nov 17 16:26:03 CET 2009

I have a function:

source_dir <- function(path, pattern = "\\.[rR]$", chdir = TRUE) ...

documented with

\usage{source_dir(path, pattern="\\.[rR]$", chdir=TRUE)}

But I get

Codoc mismatches from documentation object 'source_dir':
  Code: function(path, pattern = "\\.[rR]$", chdir = TRUE)
  Docs: function(path, pattern = "\.[rR]$", chdir = TRUE)
  Mismatches in argument default values:
    Name: 'pattern' Code: "\\.[rR]$" Docs: "\.[rR]$"

Is this a bug, or do I need

\usage{source_dir(path, pattern="\\\\.[rR]$", chdir=TRUE)}




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