[Rd] OCaml-R and xts works!

Guillaume Yziquel guillaume.yziquel at citycable.ch
Mon Nov 16 01:47:41 CET 2009


I've managed to make a *very* simple wrapper around the xts library for 
R into OCaml. (Need to be downloaded from CRAN for OCaml users, but I 
expect other wrapping to be fairly similar...). The good, good, good 
thing (from my humble point of view) is that all loading is done 
statically: Loading the R interpreter is done statically. Loading the 
xts library is done statically... etc...

See below.

Hopefully, one may one day consider R to be a statically-typed, 
type-inferred, compiled, statistical language, with Lwt-style 


> yziquel at seldon:~/git/ocamlr-xts$ ocamlbuild xts.cmo
> Finished, 1 target (0 cached) in 00:00:00.
> + ocamlfind ocamlc -c -package R.interpreter -o xts.cmo xts.ml
> File "xts.ml", line 37, characters 4-9:
> Warning P: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
> Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
> []
> Finished, 2 targets (0 cached) in 00:00:00.
> yziquel at seldon:~/git/ocamlr-xts$ cd _build/; ocaml-batteries
>         Objective Caml version 3.11.1
>       _________________________________
>      |       | |                       |
>     [| +     | | Batteries Included  - |
>      |_______|_|_______________________|
>       _________________________________
>      |                       | |       |
>      | -    Type '#help;;'   | |     + |]
>      |_______________________|_|_______|
> # #require "R.interpreter";;

R interpreter statically loaded.

> # #load "xts.cmo";;

xts library statically loaded.

> Le chargement a nécessité le package : xts
> Le chargement a nécessité le package : zoo
> Attachement du package : 'zoo'
> 	The following object(s) are masked from package:base :
> 	 as.Date.numeric 
> xts now requires a valid TZ variable to be set
>  no TZ var is set, setting to TZ=GMT

Printing stuff at "compile-time"... That's ugly, I know...

> # R.sexptype Xts.xts;;
> - : R.sexptype = R.PromSxp

So we indeed have a function.

> # let x = R.eval [Xts.xts];;
> val x : R.sexp = <abstr>

We construct a dummy time series...

> # R.sexptype x;;
> - : R.sexptype = R.RealSxp
> # 


The xts.ml code is essentially:

> (* You describe the library, its name and symbols. *)
> module Description : R.LibraryDescription = struct
>   let name = "xts"
>   let symbols = ["xts"]
> end
> (* You instatiate the library per se. *)
> module Library : R.Library = OCamlR.Require (Description)
> (* Then you name the sexps in the same order as the symbols above. *)
> let [xts] = Library.root

The OCamlR wrapper and the xts binding are not finished at all, but an 
OCaml-R Debian package for 64 bits is available at


when my laptop's up, wifi working, et ceterae. All in french for now, 
and documentation is not up to date... That will come.

OCaml-R itself is hosted here:


      Guillaume Yziquel

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