[Rd] Bug in base function sample ( ) (PR#13727)

chajewski at fordham.edu chajewski at fordham.edu
Thu May 28 09:30:13 CEST 2009

Full_Name: Michael Chajewski
Version: 2.9.0
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (

I was programming a routine which kept reducing the array from which a random
sample was taken, resulting in a single number. I discovered that when R
attempts to sample from an object with only one number it does not
reproduce/report the number but instead chooses a random number between 1 and
that number. 

Example 1:

# I am assigning a single number
gg <- 7

# Creating an array to store sampled values
ggtrack <- 0

# I am sampling 10,000 observations from my single value
# object and storing them
for (i in 1:10000) {
	g0 <- sample(gg, (i/i))
	ggtrack <- c(ggtrack,g0)

# Deleting the initial value in the array
ggtrack <- ggtrack[-1]

# The array ought to be 10,000 samples long (and it is)

# The array should contain 10,000 "7", but it does not
# See the histogram of sampled values

Example 2:

# Here is the same example, but now with
# two number. Note that now the function performs
# as expected and only samples between the two.

gg <- c(7,2)
ggtrack <- 0
for (i in 1:10000) {
	g0 <- sample(gg, (i/i))
	ggtrack <- c(ggtrack,g0)

ggtrack <- ggtrack[-1]

Highest Regards,
Michael Chajewski

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