[Rd] Strange install key for R

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Sat May 23 13:41:01 CEST 2009

Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> One user of my batchfiles
> http://batchfiles.googlecode.com
> found they did not find the R registry key because it mysteriously
> was at hklm\software\wow6432Node.   The system
> was a 64 bit system. I've always seen the key at
> hklm\software\R-core\R which is what the batchfiles assume.

So you have not been on 64-bit Windows before - and you still you those 
batchfiles? Anyway, it does redirect the entries for (almost?) all 
32-bit Software. You might want to read MS Documentation if you feel 
this is an important issue.

Uwe Ligges

> Has there been some change in where the installer puts the key
> or are there situations in which the location of the key in the
> registry is somehow changed?
> (Note that the batchfiles do have two workarounds in case the
> user cannot or wishes not to access the registry but it would
> be better not to have to rely on those.)
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