[Rd] if does not covert raw to logical (PR#13630)

waku at idi.ntnu.no waku at idi.ntnu.no
Sun Mar 29 22:40:11 CEST 2009

Full_Name: Wacek Kusnierczyk
Version: 2.8.0 and 2.10.0 r48242
OS: Ubuntu 8.04 Linux 32 bit
Submission from: (NULL) (

The following raises an error:

   if (as.raw(1)) 1
   # error: unimplemented type 'raw' in 'asLogical'

However, ?'if' says:


    cond: A length-one logical vector that is not 'NA'. Conditions of
          length greater than one are accepted with a warning, but only
          the first element is used.  Other types are coerced to
          logical if possible, ignoring any class. 

and the help page does not mention raw type arguments to 'if' at all. 

The error above is in clear contradiction to the documentation.  This might be a
flaw in the documentation, but the following succeeds:

   ifelse(raw(1), 1, 0)
   # 1

which suggests that the error above is a bug (i.e., the implementation fails to
convert raw to logical).

The same problem involves 'while':

   while(as.raw(1)) break
   # error: unimplemented type 'raw' in 'asLogical'


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