[Rd] minor tick marks for plots (PR#13616)

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Sat Mar 21 11:57:20 CET 2009

On 20/03/2009 3:00 PM, wiese at gfz-potsdam.de wrote:
> Hello,
> I think I found a bug:
>  > windows(1,width = 10, height = 10, pointsize = 5,xpos = 0, ypos = 0 )
>  > hdata[1:3,1] <- c(1,10,15)
>  > hdata[1:3,2] <- c(2,1,4)
>  > plot(hdata[,1],hdata[,2],xaxt="n")
>  > axis(1,at=c(2,10,14))
>  > minor.tick(nx=2, ny=1,tick.ratio=1)
> the minor tick marks appear between the tick marks which would have been 
> drawn without the option xaxt="n".

minor.tick is not a base R function, so this is not an R bug, if it's a 
bug at all.  There's a function by that name in the Hmisc package, but 
you don't give enough information (e.g. printing sessionInfo()) so I 
can't tell if that's the one you used.

Duncan Murdoch

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