[Rd] Side-effects of require() vs library() on x86_64 aka amd64
Dirk Eddelbuettel
edd at debian.org
Thu Jan 29 05:26:18 CET 2009
RDieHarder fails its regression tests on x86_64 (aka "amd64") at CRAN (using
Debian), and I see the same on Ubuntu 8.10 in 64 bit. No issues on 32bit.
One odd thing is that the program behaves well if run via
R --no-save < tests/RDieHarder.R
but NOT when started using
R --slave < tests/RDieHarder.R
as R CMD check does.
So I tried different things related to startup options, --vanilla, etc pp. No
luck, no change. And I just poked around with gdb, valgrind, ... without
much luck until I noticed that
echo 'library(RDieHarder); dh <- dieharder("rand", "runs", seed=12345); \
print(summary(dh))' | R --slave
works whereas the test fails if run as encoded in tests/RDieHarder.R, ie as,
echo 'require(RDieHarder, quiet=TRUE); dh <- dieharder("rand", "runs", seed=12345); \
print(summary(dh))' | R --slave
[ What actually happens is that the right result gets computed either way by
DieHarder (as verbose=TRUE shows), but incorrect data gets returned to R for
subsequent tests by R ]
So what side-effects does require() have that library() does not have ?
How can I make my package robust to this side-effect?
Thanks for any pointers, Dirk
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