[Rd] 2009 Wish list for R

Sean O'Riordain sean.oriordain at gmail.com
Sat Jan 17 12:53:42 CET 2009

Can I add a windows specific wish please?  I'd like to be able to
double click on a word in the console and select it, rather than have
to manually select - silly I know but I'm constantly going back and
forth between R and other programs where I can do this and I still
haven't managed to train my hand not to double click words in R... :-)

Thanks R-Core!

On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Gabor Grothendieck
<ggrothendieck at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009 Wish list for R (no particular order):
> - some way of placing backslashes in literal strings without escaping them.
>  Useful for latex, regular expressions and Windows file paths.  This seems
>  to come up from time to time on the lists.  Ruby, python, Perl and other
>  scripting languages have various ways to handle this which might be used
>  as a model.
> - in Windows, some way to tell Packages | Install menu to use
>  dependencies = TRUE (vs. dependencies = NA now).
>  NB. utils:::menuInstallPkgs is the R routine invoked
> - self-contained R executables
> - default origin in Date.  as.numeric.Date and as.Date.numeric are
>  asymmetric in this respect.
> - here documents in sourced input
> - read.table(textConnection(Lines)) later gives annoying warning message
>  about closing connection.  If too hard to fix add an asText= arg,
>  e.g. read.table(Lines, asText=TRUE)
> - View() buttons to copy to clipboard. (print and save might also be nice.)
> - allow library() command to determine what is imported like python's
>          import ... from ...
> - Lag < function(x, k, ...) lag(x, -k, ...)
>  lag is regarded by many as confusing and this would give a second
>  option while keeping lag for compatability.
> - generic filter()
> - add executable for filefind.cc in docs.miktex.org to R bin directory
>  on Windows to give an easy way to locate MiKTeX.  Alternately
>  put it in Rtools.
> - real subclassing of environments
> - ability to conditionally emit portions of a Sweave
> document even if they represent both text and code
> portions without using crude workarounds.  For
> example if all the data for a certain figure is missing
> that figure and the associated paragraphs describing
> it and the R code shown associated with it could
> all be suppressed dynamically.
> - pfg TeX driver
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