[Rd] Strange behavior of C compiled program

Christophe Genolini cgenolin at u-paris10.fr
Mon Feb 9 10:05:36 CET 2009

Thanks, that was a stupid mistake (I did not know that this is so 

So I still have a problem realy more complex and I do not know was is 
wrong. I am running a .C procedure in a R loop.
After 4, 5 or sometimes 6 call to the C procedure, Rgui crash (it closes 
asking me if I want to send a report to Microsoft).
Is there a debuger that can run the C code with some R in it ? And what 
kind of mistake can provoque such a crash ?


So I thaught that I find t
> On 08/02/2009 5:37 PM, Christophe Genolini wrote:
>> Hi the list,
>> I need to include some C code in R, but the behavior of the C code is 
>> strange : Here is my code :
>> --- 8< ---
>>     Rprintf("\n XXXX mTraj=%f 
>> mClus=%f",mTraj[i+nbId*c],mClustersCenter[j+nbClusters*c]);
>>     Rprintf("\nDistA=%d Tmp=%d",dist,tmp);
>>             tmp = mTraj[i+nbId* c] - mClustersCenter [j+nbClusters* c];
>>     Rprintf("\nDistB=%d Tmp=%d",dist,tmp);
>>             dist += (tmp * tmp);
>>     Rprintf("\nDistC=%d Tmp=%d",dist,tmp);
>> --- 8< ----
>> Herer are the stranges results it gives :
>> XXXX mTraj=1.000000 mClus=3.000000
>> DistA=0 Tmp=0
>> DistB=0 Tmp=0
>> DistC=0 Tmp=1074790400
>> I ask on a C chat, but no one can answer me.
>> Any idea of what wrong ?
> You likely have the wrong types for the variables you're printing.  In 
> C, the format has to match the type of the variable; if you use the 
> wrong one, you get garbage.
> Duncan Murdoch

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