[Rd] a little bug for the function 'sprintf' (PR#14161)
savicky at cs.cas.cz
savicky at cs.cas.cz
Mon Dec 21 18:41:13 CET 2009
> When you type in the example codes:
> > sprintf("%s is %f feet tall\n", "Sven", 7.1)
> and R returns:
> [1] "Sven is 7.100000 feet tall\n"
> this is very different from the 'sprintf' function in C/C++, for in C/C++,
> the format string "\n" usually represents a new line, but here, just
> the plain text "\n"!
The function sprintf() produces a string, which is then printed
using R formatting. You probably expected the following.
> cat(sprintf("%s is %f feet tall\n", "Sven", 7.1))
Sven is 7.100000 feet tall
Compare also
> s <- sprintf("%s is %f feet tall\n", "Sven", 7.1)
> cat(s)
Sven is 7.100000 feet tall
> print(s)
[1] "Sven is 7.100000 feet tall\n"
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