[Rd] Flexclust barchart issue when mcol=NULL (PR#14150)

christopher.a.hane at gmail.com christopher.a.hane at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 07:05:11 CET 2009

Full_Name: Chris Hane
Version: 2.10.1
OS: Windows
Submission from: (NULL) (

When using barchart in the flexcust package, setting mcol=NULL to avoid the
lollipops causes an error.  Each panel shows the text message "Error using
packet n replacement has length zero." where n is the panel number.

> data(iris)
> cl <- cclust(iris[,-5], k=3)
> barplot(cl, mcol=NULL)  #works fine
> barchart(cl, mcol=NULL) # oops

FWIW, as the data of the clusters is scaled showing the colMeans for the centers
is misleading.  The global mean of each column is 0, not the colMean of the

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