[Rd] Recent TeX changes and R/package manuals
Prof Brian Ripley
ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Wed Dec 9 14:42:55 CET 2009
As some of you will be aware, TeXLive 2009 was released last month
having blocked updates on earlier versions since May. This has lead
to a flood of updates of LaTeX packages, as a result of which the
PDF manuals of R 2.10.0 and earlier will no longer build, for two
separate reasons.
For MiKTeX users: at least version 2.8 (the current one) has the same
updates (a week or so later) and has the same issues.
After some workarounds, 2.10.1 RC and R-devel do build their manuals
for me on TL2009 on Linux, MacTeX 2009 (a TL2009 derivative) on Mac OS
X and current MiKTeX 2.8 on Windows.
As far as I can tell, the following CRAN package manuals have been
distrMod, RCurl, RGtk2, SparseM, VIM, bit, ggplot2, operators,
relations, spam, tensorA
(and only distrMod fatally).
Given the current pace of change (ca 100 updates/week on 'only' 2000
TL packages), more things may pop out of the woodwork.
For the curious and cognescenti:
(i) hyperref is having problems with markup in \section titles, which
'methods' and 'distrMod' had. I've added a warning to the R-exts
(ii) there have been intermittent problems with (LaTeX) special
characters in indices. But (hyperref 6.79d)
Full support of makeindex’s encap feature (e.g.
\index{alpha|textbf}). \hyperpage and the formatting command are
cascaded via \hyperindexformat. Internally \index{alpha|textbf} is
transferred to \index{alpha|hyperindexformat{\textbf}}.
\hyperindexformat calls the formatting command in its first argument
with the page range as argument that is put into \hyperpage. The
formatting command may call \hyperpage itself, it will be disabled
automatically to prevent nested \hyperpage commands.
has broken '|' as an index item ('||' was already broken) so I added
some special-casing (this does look like a bug in hyperref). Also
some uses of '%' (ggplot2, operators, relations).
(iii) some LaTeX style files are no longer in TL2009. e.g.
floatflt.sty (used by packages EffectiveDose, gWidgets, gWidgetsWWW,
monoProc, pmg).
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595
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