[Rd] Bug in R evaluating a huge instruction (PR#14096)

Jean Couteau couteau at codelutin.com
Wed Dec 2 08:27:14 CET 2009

Thank you very much for your input Duncan and Romain.

I will try to do what you are advising. The R instruction is generated 
from java using jri (and an abstraction layer we built upon it : 
nuiton-j2r), i will try add this limitation to nuiton-j2r so that it 
split the instruction if it is too long.

Best regards,

Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 01/12/2009 12:50 AM, Jean Couteau wrote:
>> Thanks for your time Duncan,
>> I join here the instruction that is not correct, hoping that might 
>> help you. The file is encoded in utf-8 so you should not have any 
>> problem reading it.
>> I doubt to that it is an R bug too, but with all my tests i am less 
>> and less sure of that.
> I have no problem sourcing that file, but I do get an error if I try 
> to cut and paste it, because it's a single line of 4890 characters, 
> and that's too long.  So this is an R limitation, but it's one with an 
> easy workaround:  just add some line breaks into your source.
> Duncan Murdoch
>> Best regards,
>> Jean Couteau
>>> Your message has encoding problems, so it's not readable.  Could you 
>>> put the code online somewhere where we could download it in its 
>>> original form?  I doubt if this is an R bug, but I can't point out 
>>> the problem in your code (or confirm that it really is an R bug) 
>>> without an undamaged copy of the code.
>>> Duncan Murdoch

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