[Rd] Rounding error for high-precision numeric values (PR#13010)

hacking at gringer.org hacking at gringer.org
Thu Sep 25 07:00:04 CEST 2008

Full_Name: David Hall (gringer)
Version: 2.7.2 (2008-08-25)
OS: Debian GNU/Linux (sid/lenny)
Submission from: (NULL) (

Following on from a conversation I had with someone on IRC about Java's handling
of difficult floating point numbers and its comparison with R's handling, I
observed a couple of values that appeared to have incorrect rounding
(1.9400994884341946e25, 1.9400994884341945e25). R displays these values to 18
significant figures, but the last digit is incorrect (should be 5, displays 4).
This is probably within the realm of "quirky things that we just have to live

Here's how to reproduce the problem:

$ echo -e "options(digits=22)\n1.9400994884341946e25\n1.9400994884341948e25" | R

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> options(digits=22)
> 1.9400994884341946e25
[1] 1.940099488434194e+25
> 1.9400994884341948e25
[1] 1.940099488434195e+25

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