[Rd] function can permanently modify calling function via substitute?

Perry de Valpine pdevalpine at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 06:50:51 CEST 2008

Dear R-devel:

The following code seems to allow one function to permanently modify a
calling function.  I did not expect this would be allowed (short of
more creative gymnastics) and wonder if it is really intended.  (I can
see other ways to accomplish the intended task of this code [e.g. via
match.call instead of substitute below] that do not trigger the
problem, but I don't think that is the point.)

do.nothing <- function(blah) {force(blah)}

do.stuff.with.call <- function(mycall) {
  raw.mycall <- substitute(mycall);   # expected raw.mycall would be local
  print( sys.call() )

  # do.nothing( raw.mycall );  # See below re: commented lines.
  # .Call( "showNAMED", raw.mycall[[2]] )

  force( mycall );  # not relevant where (or whether) this is done
  raw.mycall[[2]] <- runif(1); # permanently modifies try.me on the
first time only

  # .Call( "showNAMED", raw.mycall[[2]] )


gumbo <- function(x) {
  writeLines( paste( "gumbo : x =" ,  x ) )

try.me <- function() {
  one.val <- 111;
  one.ans <- do.stuff.with.call( mycall = gumbo( x = one.val ) );

# after source()ing the above:
> deparse(try.me)
[1] "function () "
[2] "{"
[3] "    one.val <- 111"
[4] "    one.ans <- do.stuff.with.call(mycall = gumbo(x = one.val))"
[5] "    one.ans"
[6] "}"
> try.me()
do.stuff.with.call(mycall = gumbo(x = one.val))
gumbo : x = 0.396524668671191
gumbo(x = 0.396524668671191)
> deparse(try.me)
[1] "function () "
[2] "{"
[3] "    one.val <- 111"
[4] "    one.ans <- do.stuff.with.call(mycall = gumbo(x = 0.396524668671191))"
[5] "    one.ans"
[6] "}"
> try.me()
do.stuff.with.call(mycall = gumbo(x = 0.396524668671191))
gumbo : x = 0.396524668671191
gumbo(x = 0.0078618151601404)
> deparse(try.me)
[1] "function () "
[2] "{"
[3] "    one.val <- 111"
[4] "    one.ans <- do.stuff.with.call(mycall = gumbo(x = 0.396524668671191))"
[5] "    one.ans"
[6] "}"

So, after the first call of try.me(), do.stuff.with.call has
permanently replaced the name one.val in line 2 of try.me with a
numeric (0.396...).  Subsequent calls from try.me to
do.stuff.with.call now reflect that change, but do.stuff.with.call
does not modify the try.me object again. (Note this means one needs to
keep reloading try.me to investigate).

If this is a problem worth investigating, here are a couple of other
observations that may be relevant but are obviously speculative.

1. If the third line of do.stuff.with.call is uncommented (and try.me
also reloaded), the unexpected behavior does not occur.  Since
do.nothing is eponymous, I was surprised because I believed it should
not impact any other behavior.  Speculating with limited knowledge, I
thought this might implicate something that is supposed to stay
under-the-hood, such as the "`call by value' illusion" described in
the "R internals" documentation.

2. Poking slightly further, I looked at the NAMED values using this C
code via R CMD SHLIB and dyn.load:
#include "R.h"
#include "Rdefines.h"
SEXP showNAMED(SEXP obj) {
  Rprintf("%i\n", NAMED(obj));
Uncommenting the .Call lines in do.stuff.with.call (with the
do.nothing line re-commented) reveals that on the first time
do.stuff.with.call is called from try.me, raw.mycall[[2]] has NAMED ==
1 both before and after the `[[<-` line.  On subsequent calls it has
NAMED == 2 before and NAMED == 1 after.  If I follow how NAMED is
used, this seems relevant.

Many thanks in advance for any responses.

Perry de Valpine
> sessionInfo(); ## Also checked on Windows XP Professional running R-7.2.1, beyond my control to upgrade

R version 2.7.2 (2008-08-25)


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[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.7.2

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