[Rd] problem building R packages on RHEL 4 Linux with Intel compilers

Bjørn-Helge Mevik b.h.mevik at usit.uio.no
Fri May 30 11:23:09 CEST 2008

"Mark Kimpel" <mwkimpel at gmail.com> writes:

> I would like to build R and packages with the Intel 10.1 compilers in RHEL4.

We are successfully building R and packages with the Intel 10.1
compilers on RHEL4 (except a few packages, which will not compile with
10.1, but with 9.1).  We also use the Intel MKL blas/lapack libraries.

This is out procedure for building R:

export CC="icc"
export CFLAGS="-O3 -ip -wd188"
export F77="ifort"
export FFLAGS="-O3 -ip"
export CXX="icpc"
export CXXFLAGS="-O3 -ip"
export FC="ifort"
export FCFLAGS="-O3 -ip -mp"

./configure --prefix="/site/VERSIONS/R-2.7.0" \
  --with-blas="-L/site/intel/cmkl/8.1/lib/em64t -lmkl -lvml -lguide -lpthread" \
  --with-lapack="-L/site/intel/cmkl/8.1/lib/em64t -lmkl_lapack64 -lmkl" \

make -j 4

make -j 4 check # NB! "-j 4" won't work on all versions of R

make install

Packages are installed with install.packages() in R.  The procedure is
loosely based on the Intel/MKL examples given in the R Installation and
Administration Manual.

The only thing we haven't figured out how to solve, is how to also
generate the libRblas.so and libRlapack.so; --enable-BLAS-shlib seems to
interfer with the --with-lapack, such that the extarnal library will not
be used.

Bjørn-Helge Mevik

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