[Rd] Cross-compilers for 2.7.0

Iago Mosqueira iago.mosqueira at gmail.com
Thu May 29 12:06:03 CEST 2008

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> On Wed, 28 May 2008, Iago Mosqueira wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Am I right in thinking the cross-compilations tools, kindly maintained
>> by Prof Ripley, are still waiting to be updated for 2.7.0?
> What is unclear about
>   `The preferred build environment is to use gcc 4.2.1: this can easily be
>    built from the sources as a cross-compiler, but the MinGW-specific
>    patches are not yet stable (and not needed to build R).
>    You will need suitable cross-compilers installed and in your path.
>    We do not at present distribute suitable cross-compilers.'

Thanks for the pointer.

> from 'R Installation and Administration'?  It looks like the MinGW
> project are never going to release the sources for their build of gcc
> 4.2.1 and that the next release will be of 4.3.0.
> I've not used them, but
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-cross/
> does offer i386 and x86_64 cross-build toolchains for F8 and F9, and
> I've seen references to Ubuntu/Debian cross-build toolchains.

Many thanks, I'll give this a try.



>> Thanks,
>> Iago

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