[Rd] value returned by findFun when the name cannot be found.

Luke Tierney luke at stat.uiowa.edu
Sun May 25 00:36:11 CEST 2008

On Sat, 24 May 2008, Laurent Gautier wrote:

> Dear list,
> I have been using "findVar" (defined in src/main/envir.c) happily and
> would like to use
> "findFun".
> However I have trouble when the name searched cannot be found: while
> "findVar" returns R_UnboundValue,
> "findFun" does not (the 4 last lines of "findFun" are copied below).
>    error(_("could not find function \"%s\""), CHAR(PRINTNAME(symbol)));
>    /* NOT REACHED */
>    return R_UnboundValue;
> }
> I assume that the comment "/* NOT REACHED */ means that R_UnboundValue
> is not returned... and my question is:
> what is returned then ? (I am a little lost in the nested calls within "error").

There is no returned -- the call to 'error' will result in a non-local
exit (executed via longjmp).  The return statement is there to keep
the C compiler happy since it doesn't know about this property of
error and so would issue a warning, ant the /* NOT REACHED */ comment
here (and elswehere) remindes us of this.



> Thanks,
> Laurent
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Luke Tierney
Chair, Statistics and Actuarial Science
Ralph E. Wareham Professor of Mathematical Sciences
University of Iowa                  Phone:             319-335-3386
Department of Statistics and        Fax:               319-335-3017
    Actuarial Science
241 Schaeffer Hall                  email:      luke at stat.uiowa.edu
Iowa City, IA 52242                 WWW:  http://www.stat.uiowa.edu

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