[Rd] ** operator

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu May 15 16:12:42 CEST 2008

Duncan Murdoch wrote:

> It's fairly unlikely to go away, but it's an old undocumented feature, 
> so use at your own risk.  There are lots of other undocumented features, 
> but maybe no others at the lexical level.  Check out src/main/gram.y if 
> you want to search for more at that level, and src/* if you want them at 
> any level.

I just had a quick browse in the source and I can't see where "**" is 
defined. names.c relates ^ to the power operation in arithmetic.c but no 
sign of "**":

./names.c:{"^",         do_arith,       POWOP,  1,      2, 

grepping for POWOP doesn't help.

  It's not an operator like '*':
 > get("**")
Error in get("**") : variable "**" was not found
 > get("*")
function (e1, e2)  .Primitive("*")

and there's no ** in gram.y.

searching for 'power' and quoted "**" doesn't help me either. Searching 
for unquoted ** just produces too much C code to be useful.

It's got to be there somewhere!!!


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