[Rd] ** operator

Tobias Verbeke tobias.verbeke at telenet.be
Thu May 15 13:07:52 CEST 2008

Dear list,

I did not find any mentioning of the fact
that the ** operator can be used as a
synonym for the ^ operator.

 > 5 ** 2
[1] 25

Searching of ** in the R Reference Index only leads
to some examples in the mgcv documentation.

Equally ?"**" does not open the arithmetic
operators help page, but produces

 > ?"**"
No documentation for '**' in specified packages and libraries:
you could try 'help.search("**")'

Is there any reason to this or am I overlooking
something ?

Many thanks in advance,

 > sessionInfo()
R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22)


attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

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