[Rd] Linux installation

Michael Steinbeck-Reeves michael at steinbeck-reeves.co.uk
Thu May 8 17:39:16 CEST 2008

I have just installed R under Linux and had a tricky time finding out
that I needed to install r-devel as it was not suggested by yum and does
not appear in any of the FAQs. Everything was fine until I tried to
install tseries then I was told in the compiler output that R.h was
missing. Obviously a search on Google proved fruitless and I was forced
to ask on r-help. I am now kicking myself, of course, but wouldn't it be
a useful addition to the R installation FAQs, especially for those not
acquainted with the C compiler output?


Michael Steinbeck-Reeves


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Stratfield Saye

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