[Rd] Is there any way to find out how a certain functions are implemented in R?

Kasper Daniel Hansen khansen at stat.Berkeley.EDU
Mon May 5 22:56:04 CEST 2008

This comment won't help you much, but still... there are usually a lot  
of ways you can do to implement a bootstrap, and a lot of the  
approaches people use (especially if they are used to think in C-like  
terms) are pretty slow. But it can be made quite fast. So: are you  
sure you have optimized it? You could try profiling. Have you looked  
at the boot library?


On May 5, 2008, at 11:58 AM, Kyeongmi Cheon wrote:

> Hello
> I wrote a bootstrap program in C language that is called and run by R.
> When I tried it, it is slow
> and I'm trying to write and run the whole thing in C. But I cannot use
> handy functions in R and
> need to figure out how to write those functions by myself. Is there
> any way that I can get the
> actual codes that implement functions in R so that I can translate
> them into other languages? For
> example, after I generate bootstrap samples in C, I want to simplify
> the new dataset just like I
> did it in R using "aggregate(data$variable1,
> list(data$variable2,data$variable3), length) or
> aggregate(data$variable1, list(data$variable2,data$variable3), sum)
> etc". How could I do that in C
> and is there any way to find out how it is implemented in R? Thank  
> you.
> Kyeongmi
> Univ. Memphis
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