[Rd] troubles with R CMD check and examples under Ubuntu gutsy

Patrick Giraudoux patrick.giraudoux at univ-fcomte.fr
Mon May 5 08:15:29 CEST 2008

Berwin A Turlach a écrit :
> G'day Patrick
> On Mon, 05 May 2008 07:02:23 +0200
> Patrick Giraudoux <patrick.giraudoux at univ-fcomte.fr> wrote:
>> I was used to package pgirmess under Windows with everything OK, but, 
>> for the first time, I had a trial this afternoon on Ubuntu 7.10 gutsy
>> (I have a double boot computer and work more and more under unix) and
>> R 2.7.0. 
> FWIW, on my Ubuntu 8.04 heron machine, with pgirmess_1.3.6.tar.gz from
> CRAN, I can run `R CMD check pgirmess_1.3.6.tar.gz' without problems.
> Are you talking about that version, or a current development version?
> But I have compiled R on my boxes myself.  How did you install R?  From
> source or by using the prepackaged Ubuntu deb files?
 From the pre-packaged Ubuntu, updated to 6.7.0 recently ? Do you think 
it may come from this ?

>> sudo R CMD check pgirmess
> Why do you run this command as root?  I would avoid something like
> this.  Is the directory in which pgirmess is in not writeable for your
> usual user-id?  Perhaps the problem is that the root account is not
> correctly set up to use R (but I would find that hard to believe).
No, sorry it was just my mistake. After the failure as standard user, I 
was wondering if packaging should be done as super-user... but things 
come similar.


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