[Rd] R CMD check: small tests suggestion

hadley wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Sun May 4 15:13:28 CEST 2008

> > It would be nice if R CMD check ran any file in the tests directory
> > that has "one of the extensions .R, .S, .q, .r, or .s" - i.e. it
> > should match the files processed in the R directory.
> >
>  Whereas what it is documented in 'Writing R Extensions' is to use .R or
> .Rin files.  This leaves the other extensions available for other purposes
> -- the difference is that there should be no other files in the R directory,
> but often will be in the tests directory.
>  I have some sympathy for .r (which we allow for demos) given the prevalence
> of case-insensitive file systems, but why would it be 'nice' to have the
> others?  And what would the output file be called?  Should .S be processed
> to .Sout and matched to a .Sout.save file?  This would seem to introduce
> more confusion that it might remove.

Those are good points - .r is the extension that I really want as it
would have saved me much frustration trying to figure out why my tests
weren't running.  An alternative would be to report

* checking tests ...
  No test files found

rather than

* checking tests ...

in the case in which there are no files run in the tests directory.



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