[Rd] choose fails a fundamental property of binomial coefficients (PR#11035)

Jerry.Lewis at biogenidec.com Jerry.Lewis at biogenidec.com
Wed Mar 26 05:10:04 CET 2008

Full_Name: Jerry W. Lewis
Version: 2.7.0 (2008-03-23 r44847)
OS: Windows XP Professional
Submission from: (NULL) (

choose(n,k) = choose(n,n-k) is not satisfied if either

1. n is a negative integer with k a positive integer (due to automatically
returning 0 for n-k<0)

2. n is not an integer with k a positive integer (due to rounding n-k to an
integer, compounded by automatically returning 0 if n<0 which implies n-k<0)

Both are easily fixed, as discussed in PR# 10766

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