[Rd] R, Macports and C++ streams

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Wed Jul 30 18:58:06 CEST 2008

On Jul 30, 2008, at 12:35 , Ernest Turro wrote:

> On 30 Jul 2008, at 15:18, Kjell Konis wrote:
>> I found this in Writing R Extensions:
>> "Using C++ iostreams, as in this example, is best avoided. There is  
>> no guarantee that the output will appear in the R console, and  
>> indeed it will not on the R for Windows console. Use R code or the  
>> C entry points (see Printing) for all I/O if at all possible."
>> That is, use Rprintf() instead. The fact that your code works with  
>> one version of gcc and not another can probably be chalked up to  
>> coincidence.
> The doc warns that the output to stdout using iostreams may not  
> appear on the console, there is no indication that doing this may  
> crash R (and this has never happened to me before). Certainly, the  
> use of file streams (fstreams) should work just fine.

FWIW I saw this problem when using mismatching compilers before (long  
time ago when we had to use FSF-built gcc because of bugs in Apple's  
gcc). Its likely cause is a combination of incompatible ABIs and  
libstdc++ mismatch. Note that Apple's gcc build script goes into great  
pains to not mess up system stdc++ because it's asking for trouble.


>> Kjell
>> On Jul 30, 2008, at 3:45 PM, Ernest Turro wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> R on Macports relies on GCC 4.3 to build packages. I find that
>>> packages with shared objects that use C++ streams crash R if they're
>>> compiled using Macports' gcc43, but work fine if compiled in exactly
>>> the same way using Apple-supplied GCC 4.2. Has anyone here had the
>>> same issue/know what is causing this problem?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ernest
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