[Rd] R, Macports and C++ streams

Ernest Turro ernest.turro at ic.ac.uk
Wed Jul 30 18:32:51 CEST 2008

On 30 Jul 2008, at 15:46, Simon Urbanek wrote:

> On Jul 30, 2008, at 9:45 , Ernest Turro wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> R on Macports relies on GCC 4.3 to build packages. I find that  
>> packages with shared objects that use C++ streams crash R if  
>> they're compiled using Macports' gcc43, but work fine if compiled  
>> in exactly the same way using Apple-supplied GCC 4.2. Has anyone  
>> here had the same issue/know what is causing this problem?
> Using compilers from MacPorts and similar suites (Darwin ports, Fink  
> etc.) is strongly discouraged (and outright not supported by the  
> CRAN binary) since they have been known to be badly broken in the  
> past and when whenever tested so far they were incomplete and  
> incompatible. You have to re-compile R yourself with those tools  
> (and you're entirely on your own) if you really want to use them.  
> CRAN binaries work only with Apple's gcc branches, if you want to  
> use anything else, you have to follow the unix R instructions and  
> compile everything from sources.

Dear Kjell,

As you can see above, your R port on Macports appears to be broken and  
has a reputation of having been broken for a while. I for one have  
experienced odd problems as described above. To avoid further issues  
with unsuspecting Macports users, perhaps it would be good to pull the  
port from the repository until a decent level of reliability can be  
provided ?



> Cheers,
> Simon

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