[Rd] Snow or alternative MPI packages on Windows

giuseppe1.milicia at hsbcib.com giuseppe1.milicia at hsbcib.com
Wed Jul 16 18:02:43 CEST 2008


That's interesting. I'm using snow_0.3-0 that's the version on CRAN. I see
that on the maintainer's website newer versions are available...

I just tried snow_0.3-3 and as you said it actually works fine!

Thanks a lot for the help, that's exactly what I was looking for!

// Giuseppe

             <schmidb at ibe.med.                                          To 
             uni-muenchen.de>          Martin Morgan <mtmorgan at fhcrc.org>, 
                                       Giuseppe1 MILICIA/IBEU/HSBC at HSBC    
             16/07/2008 15:44                                           cc 
             Mail Size: 7121           r-devel at r-project.org               
             Please respond to         Re: [Rd] Snow or alternative MPI    
             schmidb at ibe.med.u         packages on Windows                 
              ni-muenchen.de                                        Entity 
                                       Investment Banking Europe - IBEU    


we are using Rmpi and snow on windows. It is working very well.
We are using Windows Server 2003 and *MPICH2.

I probably will manage to have some tests with the new snow
(*snow_0.3-3)* version this week.


Martin Morgan schrieb:
> giuseppe1.milicia at hsbcib.com writes:
>> Guys,
>> I'm running R on both Windows & Linux. I'm looking at a number of
>> for parallel execution. It seems that the most used packages are "snow"
>> "Rmpi".
>> snow seems more user friendly, but it doesn't run on windows. I see from
>> searching the mailing list that I'm not the first one to try it on
>> There was a message that kind of shed some hope on the subject, but
>> else.
>> Rmpi works well on windows (with DeinoMPI) but it's kind of low level,
>> before I embark in writing code similar to snow to have some high level
>> constructs I though I'd ask here about other peoples experiences...
> Rmpi has low-level facilities, but things like mpi.spawn.Rslaves,
> mpi.parLapply and mpi.bcast.cmd are high-level in the same way that
> snow is.
> Hopefully others will comment with windows-specific input.
> Martin
>> Is anyone around here doing parallel R on Windows? If so could you share
>> your experience?
>> Cheers,
>> // Giuseppe
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