[Rd] package.skeleton does invalide regular name...

Christophe Genolini cgenolin at u-paris10.fr
Tue Jul 15 22:20:37 CEST 2008

By the way, will it be a big change to allow the user to give the name 
of a directories instead of a file ? The following code :

willl become :


Then, reconizing that dir1\ is a directories, skeleton.package will 
include all the file that are in the directorie ?


> On 7/15/2008 1:33 PM, cgenolin at u-paris10.fr wrote:
>> Hi the list,
>> I am using package.skeleton on a file that has a very classic name, 
>> but package.skeleton detect it as a invalid name :
>> --- 8< -------
>> package.skeleton(name="packClassicBis",code_files="./packClassic/R/progClassic.R") 
>> Création des répertoires...
>> Création de DESCRIPTION...
>> Création de 'Read-and-delete-me'...
>> Recopiage des fichiers de code...
>> Création des fichiers d'aide ...
>> Terminé.
>> Les étapes suivantes sont décrites dans 
>> './packClassic4/Read-and-delete-me'.
>> Warning message:
>> In package.skeleton(name = "packClassic4", code_files = 
>> "./packClassic/R/progClassic.R") :
>>   Nom(s) de fichier(s) invalide(s) pour du code R ./packClassic4/R:
>>   'progClassic.R'
>> sont maintenant renommés vers 'z<nom>.R'
>> --- 8< -------
>> It create the file "zprogClassic.R" in directorie "packClassicBis\R"
>> Is there something wrong in my code or is it a bug in package.skeleton ?
> I think you're right, it's a bug.  package.skeleton assumes that 
> code_files lists files in the current directory, and will give that 
> warning if they are given with qualified paths.
> It should be easy to fix; I'll take a look.  Thanks for the report.
> Duncan Murdoch

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