[Rd] Unix-like touch to update modification timestamp of file?
Henrik Bengtsson
hb at stat.berkeley.edu
Wed Feb 27 06:54:32 CET 2008
is it possible to update the modification time stamp of a file using R
(on file systems supporting it)? It is sufficient to update the
modification time to the current time. The best I can do for now is:
touchFile <- function(pathname, ...) {
if (!file.exists(pathname))
stop("No such file: ", pathname);
info <- file.info(pathname);
if (info$isdir)
stop("Cannot change the timestamp of a directory: ", pathname);
oldTimestamp <- info$mtime;
con <- NULL;
if (!is.null(con))
# Zero-sized files have to be treated specially
if (info$size == 0) {
con <- file(pathname, open="w");
} else {
con <- file(pathname, open="r+b");
seek(con=con, where=0, origin="start", rw="read");
bfr <- readBin(con=con, what="raw", n=1);
seek(con=con, where=0, origin="start", rw="write");
writeBin(con=con, bfr);
} # touchFile()
# 1. Create a file
pathname <- tempfile()
cat(file=pathname, "Hello world!")
md5a <- digest::digest(pathname, file=TRUE);
# 2. Current time stamp
## [1] "2008-02-26 21:41:23 Pacific Standard Time"
# 3. Update time stamp
## [1] "2008-02-26 21:41:24 Pacific Standard Time"
# 4. Verify that the contents did not change
md5b <- digest::digest(pathname, file=TRUE);
stopifnot(identical(md5a, md5b))
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