[Rd] rgl.snapshot() on Vista

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Fri Dec 5 00:05:53 CET 2008

Ben Bolker wrote:
>   Dear Daniel (and Duncan):
>  back in January you reported that you were having trouble saving an rgl
> movie on Vista.  I don't know if you ever got that resolved, but a
> student of mine is now having a similar problem, not specific to dynamic
> graphics (which would have to be a problem outside of rgl anyway).  He
> may report more on the symptoms, but essentially rgl.snapshot produces
> black or funky output on a simple static image.  rgl.postscript hangs.
> I am afraid this might be a generic Vista problem ... I haven't yet
> gotten around to rebooting my Linux machine into Vista so that I can
> check on it.

I haven't heard of this problem before.  I would guess it is more likely 
related to your video driver (which may be Vista-specific), rather than 
Vista per se.  If that's the case, it's really hard to fix or work 
around, but it may be worthwhile seeing if the video card maker has an 

Duncan Murdoch
> http://www.nabble.com/Can-a-dynamic-graphic-produced-by-rgl-be-saved--td14649977.html
>   The example we ran would be something as simple as
> library(rgl)
> rgl.open()
> rgl.spheres(1:3,1:3,1:3,col="red")
> rgl.snapshot("test.png")
>   ## brings rgl window to top, creates funky gray and white png file
> rgl.postscript("test.ps")  ## hangs
>   Duncan, do you have any ideas?  Do you have any reports (positive
> or negative) from people running rgl.snapshot() on Vista?
> RSiteSearch("rgl vista") turned up only this thread ...
>   cheers
>     Ben Bolker

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