[Rd] messing with ...

Ben Bolker bolker at zoology.ufl.edu
Wed Aug 13 22:53:03 CEST 2008

Tony Plate wrote:
> here's my two cents:
> - require names on parameters, rather than order
> - construct calls and use eval() rather than do.call() (then you can 
> manipulate list(...) without the ugh factor of do.call() -- though is 
> do.call() any different to eval() in R? -- I know in S-PLUS that the use 
> of do.call() can completely blow out memory usage)
> - to avoid manually duplicating arg lists, use constructs like 
> names(formals(optim)) and pmatch to find args that below to the 
> optimizer function vs the objective function
> -- Tony Plate
>>  thanks
>>   Ben Bolker

   The ugh factor referred to any explicit call or argument list
manipulation (it would be nicer to just pass ...) -- but your
advice makes sense, especially the naming stuff.

   Brian Ripley wrote:

 >  Using wrappers is a better idea: you can see the idea in several 
places in the base graphics code.

  Have you got a favorite example?


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